Welcome to the University of Nebraska–Lincoln Physiology Lab website. We would like to invite you to explore these pages and learn more about how Dr. Woodman and his staff help prepare our students for a future in human sciences through education, exploration and hand-on experience.

Our Program

Human Physiology lab is one of the most challenging labs pre-health and human sciences students take as undergraduates; however, these classes also set the foundation for many students future educational endeavors. At the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Dr. Woodman and his staff take great pride in providing their students with a quality educational experience.

Each semester he and his staff manage:

  • 330 Physiology lab students
  • 13-15 Physiology labs
  • A Physiology Internship Program

All together more than 660 students a year take part in a physiological educational experience developed and facilitated by Dr. Woodman.

Physiology Hybrid Course

Dr. Woodman has developed a hybrid physiology course that combines the flexibility of online instruction, with the unique experience of working hands on, carrying out physiological experiments in the laboratory. Students complete the "lecture" portion of the class via video podcasts and directed self-study like a traditional online class, but then attend laboratory once a week on the UNL campus to further their understanding of the human body in our physiology labs.